Our main mission is to provide high quality, and cost effective training to
aviation and related organization in the Middle East and beyond.
We assist AACO member airlines to achieve savings in their training budgets
without affecting the quality or the sum of training programs.
We organize different courses that virtually cover all aspects of the air transport
industry & have expanded & diversified the course selection to cater to the ever-
evolving needs of air transport industry professionals.
RTC can provide training in different parts of the Arab World through its
collaboration agreements with training centers of some member carriers which
are conveniently located in major cities in the Middle East including Amman,
Cairo, Tunis, Beirut, Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
While other centers offer training courses that focus on the complex & specific
components of the Middle Eastern air transport industry, AACO RTC has
successfully positioned itself as a valuable partner in human resources
development for air carriers & aviation-related organizations around the world,
including airline staff from various parts of the world among its trainees.
RTC is also associated with major training and education organizations such as Air
Business Academy, Lufthansa systems, Air France Consulting, Global Air training,
Saudi Supreme Commission for Tourism, Kenyon and Concordia University, to
provide quality training primarily for the Arab Airlines.
Through our intensive courses, participants will gain thorough knowledge and
receive training on the widest range of subjects and issues related to aviation &
air transport. The courses are conducted all year round & feature a multi-media
approach. Instructors employ various tools such as lectures, open discussions,
round tables, case studies, role playing, video instruction and computer training
where applicable.
Through Industry partners program, AACO RTC provides annually a number of
scholarships to cover the training fees of the airlines staff on the scheduled
program and additional courses, these scholarships are being distributed as per
the directives of the Industry partner sponsoring the fund as per their commercial
relation with the airline benefiting from the scholarship, and it differs from one
year to another.
In every step, AACO RTC will do their utmost to guarantee that learning and
training processes are facilitated & the optimal results are reached.